Wart Treatment

Warts are not common skin growth. They are caused by HPV (Human Papillomavirus) and can appear on any part of a person’s body. One can easily distinguish them from moles by analyzing their color, texture, and other symptoms. A wart is usually a mix of skin color and gray and its texture is usually very uneven. Unlike moles, warts are a disease and they are contagious. That means, it can quickly spread to other areas of your body and to even one of your family members.

What is the best Treatment for Warts in Civil Lines?

One of the best treatments in Civil Lines for warts is a laser. In this technique, the technician uses a laser to burn the roots of the wart and then pulling it out of your skin completely. The laser destroys the roots of the wart which kills all the viruses and the possibility of regrowth becomes zero.

Types of Warts

Common Warts: They are called common warts because people get them very often. They can appear on your forehead, scalp, finger joints, around nails, and on the neck as well. They vary in size. Their texture is rough and bumpy. They can be distinguished by moles because moles do not itch or spread to other areas.

Plantar Warts: Plantar warts are the second common type of warts that usually occur in the soles of a person’s feet. Initially, they are small and don’t cause any pain. However, they increase with time, and soon the person will have difficulty in walking or running. It feels like there’s a pebble under your feet which is causing pain.

Flat Warts: Flat warts are tiny than plantar or common warts. They are also smoother but grow very fast and in a larger number.


The Process of Wart Removal is Very Fast. Takes only 30 Mins.

We Apply Anesthesia so the Patient Won’t Feel any Pain.

100% Effective

Laser Destroys the Roots of the Wart so It Doesn’t Come Back.

Quick Healing

The Treated Area Heals Very Quickly After the Treatment.

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